Office Of Emergency Services Topic Of Today’s Special Meeting

San Andreas, CA…Today’s Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting is on the future structure of the county’s OES department structure.  At the August 23, 2016 Board meeting, the Board directed staff to schedule a special Board meeting in order for the Board to provide direction to staff regarding the future structure of the Office of Emergency Services (OES). OES is responsible for response, recovery, planning and training for major disasters and emergencies. Specialized training and knowledge is required to successfully run an OES.


Administration and the Sheriff’s Office met on August 5, 2016 for some initial discussions regarding the steps needed to bring a comprehensive plan and recommendations to the Board. This includes researching other counties of similar size or larger that have a record of successful Offices of Emergency Services and to determine what best practices can be applied in Calaveras County to further support and enhance our OES. This will likely include modifications to staff size and makeup and additional equipment.

Given the short time frame since that meeting, the Sheriff’s Office has not had the opportunity to do all the required research. However, they will provide the Board with an update of the information they have acquired to date.

At the end of the Sheriff’s update, the Board may choose to provide staff with direction regarding the possible restructuring and/or staffing of OES.

Board of Supervisors
Special Meeting
9/6/2016 1:00 PM
Board of Supervisors Chambers

891 Mountain Ranch Road   San Andreas, CA 95249

Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Provide staff direction regarding the future structure of the Office of Emergency Services.
document Informational Item Printout
2. September 2016: General Plan Update