Mokelumne Fire Remains At 655 Acres & Firefighters Achieve 85% Containment

Bear Valley, CA…The fire remains at 655 acres with minimal fire behavior and smoke production. Containment is at 85%. The fire edge is currently confined within natural barriers. Crews will secure and patrol current confinement lines while exercising Minimal Impact Suppression Techniques (M.I.S.T.), and maximizing the use of natural barriers. The helicopter will continue to help support crew efforts on the fire line. This fire is being managed to protect, maintain, and enhance resources while being allowed to function in its natural ecological role. No evacuations or closures have been issued at this time. No campgrounds along Highway 4 are currently impacted by smoke from the Mokelumne Fire. The public is advised to avoid the fire area due to hazardous conditions. Due to steep and inaccessible terrain, heat/smoke may still be present in the interior of the fires perimeter. We will continue to monitor the fire via aerial recons. Incident transitioned from a type 3 to a type 4 on August 6th, 2016. We will begin extracting crews from the fire line today.


Incident Start Date: 08/18/16
Incident Start Time: 11:47 p.m.
Incident Type: Wildland Fire
Cause: Lightning
Incident Location: Mokelumne Wilderness, Alpine County
Acres Burned: 655
Containment: 85%
Expected Containment: 09/20/2016
Injuries: 2
Structures Threatened: 0 Structures Destroyed: 0 Outbuildings: 0 Structures Damaged: 0
Engines: 0
Water Tenders: 0
Helicopters: 1
Air Tankers: 0
Hand Crews: 2
Dozers: 0
Other: 8
Total Personnel: 20
Cooperating Agencies: Eldorado National Forest; Great Basin Unified APCD; Alpine County Sheriff; PG&E;