Annual Ditch Outage

Sonora, CA…The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Main Canal that conveys 95% of Tuolumne Utilities District’s water supply will be shut down for PG&E’s regular maintenance from Sunday, October 9th through Monday, October 17th, 2016. With this in mind, the District asks that you limit your water use during this timeframe while PG&E undertakes repairs and improvements.


Without water flowing in the ditches, the only water available is what remains in storage tanks and from groundwater wells. Conservation during this period will help provide adequate water supply for drinking, sanitary usage and fire protection.

Ways to Conserve Water!
Conserve Outside
Limit outside watering
Do not wash vehicles
Turn off your automatic lawn and drip sprinkler systems
Conserve Inside
Wash full loads of laundry and dishes
Shorten your showers by a minute or two
Repair any water leaks