Stand Tall With Calaveras Democrats; If You Won’t Vote For Trump, You Must Vote For Derlet

San Andreas, CA…Calaveras County Democrats have endorsed Dr. Bob Derlet for Congress in the 10th District of California.alaveras County. Leading Republicans have said this about Donald Trump:
Trump’s behavior “makes it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy.” Senator John McCain, Arizona.


“At some point, you have to look in the mirror and recognize that you cannot possibly justify support for Trump to your children.” David Humphreys, Republican donor.
Donald Trump has “forfeited the right to be our party’s nominee.” Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska.
“No apology can excuse away Donald Trump’s reprehensible comments degrading women.” Jeb Bush
“He is a dangerous demagogue completely unsuited to the responsibilities of a United States president.” Bruce Kovner, Republican donor.
Unfortunately, our local Congressman, Tom McClintock, continues to enthusiastically endorse Donald Trump for president. The title of a recent post on his website says it all,
Mr. McClintock understands that if he were to place his principles and country ahead of party, he would withdraw his endorsement from Mr. Trump.
But, he won’t. If he did, Trump’s supporters would desert him.
In addition to being a fervent Trump supporter, Mr. McClintock is also a Tea Party darling. He is a founding member of the so-called Freedom Caucus that shutdown the Federal Government in 2013. It should be remembered that 2013 was also the year of the devastating Rim Fire. The month-long road closures nearly bankrupt the ‘Gateway’ businesses around Yosemite. Mr. McClintock was a leader of the Federal shutdown that closed the park for an additional two weeks in October. For an elected official to inspire, support and impose a shutdown that inflicts financial suffering on his own constituency is indefensible.
Mr. McClintock also has a long history of denying the existence and evidence of climate change. Regardless of what the ultimate causes are, he refuses to even consider prudent government measures to cope with its effects. In 2015 the League of Conservation Voters gave him a rating of 0% (out of a possible 100%) on the National Environmental Scorecard, which is used to rate members of Congress on environmental issues.
Dr. Bob Derlet is challenging Mr. McClintock for his seat in Congress. He spent his career at UC Davis as a Professor and Chief of Emergency Medicine – a professional experience that provides a deep understanding of health care and health insurance. He is also an avid enthusiast for outdoor recreation and a champion for conservation who wants to strengthen laws that protect our air and water.
The Democrats of Calaveras County proudly endorse Dr. Bob Derlet in an election that will have an impact upon every citizen of the Sierra Nevada. We urge you to join us.
Stand tall with Calaveras Democrats!