Update On Removal Of Measure “D” Signs

Angels Camp, CA…The Angels Camp Police Department released an advisory message last week on the reported theft of “NO ON D” campaign signs. On 10-14-16 the signs in question were turned into the police department by the person that removed the signs.


The individual responsible for removing the signs did so at the request of the property owner, and due to the fact that there is apparently a civil dispute as to whether anyone had permission to post the signs in the first place.

The Angels Camp Police Department apologizes for any confusion or misunderstanding, and the theft case that was originally reported has been closed out and reclassified as a civil issue.

Additionally, on 10-13-16, a reporting party that did not request contact from the police department, called to report that an unknown suspect damaged a “YES ON D” campaign sign that was posted near the intersection of SR 4 and SR 49. The reporting party in that incident requested that the damage be noted, however they did not request contact from the police for a formal police report.

The Angels Camp Police Department would like to remind readers that intentionally vandalizing property is an arrestable offense.