Amador County Sheriffs Recover Missing Hunter

Pioneer, CA… On Friday October 21st the Amador County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a missing hunter in the Peddler Hill area of Highway 88. He had been out in the area with a friend hunting, but the two got separated.


Thankfully his friend had a last known GPS location for the missing hunter. With the help of a California Highway Patrol Helicopter, the deputies searched for the hunter and were successfully able to find him. He was cold from being out in the elements, but uninjured. THe Amador County Sheriff’s Office is grateful for the help from the CHP and the hunter’s friend for pointing them in the right direction to find him. The Sheriff’s Office would like to take this opportunity to remind all hunters and anyone who plans to explore the wilderness areas of Amador County, to be prepared for the elements you may face and make sure someone is aware of where you are going.