Matters on My Mind: Thanks & Giving~ A Mind Matters Blog

Murphys, CA…Family, friends, food, and thankfulness – what a wonderful celebration! Here at Mind Matters we are very thankful for so much:


First and foremost we are thankful for our clients and patients, those that come on their own and those that come as a family – extended, blended, and nuclear. It brings us joy when a client tells us “I can’t remember a time when we have been so hopeful for what the future holds. Mind Matters is the perfect blend between modern medicine and holistic methods.”

Our donors – individuals, family foundations, and businesses. We could not provide services to our clients and patients without our generous, sustaining, and supporting donors. Mind Matters funding is comprised of 1/3 private pay & 2/3 donations & grants. We need your support.

Board support – we have a dedicated and active board who work hard as ambassadors for Mind Matters. They contribute freely of their time, talents, and their dollars.

Staff – Medical Director/Physician, Dr. Ryan Thompson, Clinical Director/Clinical Psychologist, Dr. David Simons, Licensed Clinical Social Work, Sarah Krutsinger, Educational Services Coordinator, Cheri Tichenor, Learning Specialist, Marianne Hale, Receptionist/Bookkeeper, Cristi Canepa all work compassionately and professionally to provide comprehensive services and treatments for our patients & clients to become a happier and more productive member of his or her community!

This is the Mind Matters team and we need each of you and are thankful for each of you every day! So from me, Trudy Lackey, Executive Director and all of us who are part of the Mind Matters neighborhood, we wish you a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!