Bret Harte FFA “Blooms” With The Community This Thanksgiving

Angels Camp, CA…The Bret Harte FFA & Floral Shop hosted its fourth annual Adult Floral class at the high school on November 21st and 22nd. We had a sold out crowd of fifty parents and community members in attendance. Participants learned about color, the history of floral art, flower care and then constructed their very own table centerpiece for the Thanksgiving holiday.



This year’s theme focused on a 1950’s Freeform Expression design using white and rose gold colors. Students enrolled in the agriculture department’s Advanced Floral class were on hand during the class to help assist the adults with their flower designs. Money raised from this event will go towards funding the bridal booths that each class displays at the Calaveras County Fair. We would like to give a special thanks to all who attended the event and supported the Advanced Floral classes. Once again, the Bret Harte agriculture students are proving that with hard work, determination and a little sweat we can make our dreams bloom into action!