Bret Harte FFA Honors A New “Crop” Of Greenhands

Angels Camp, CA…On December 7th 2016, first year FFA students, also known as “Greenhands” assembled in the Agriculture shop to participate in a time honored tradition where they dyed their hands green. To continue the celebration, the FFA officers served lunch to those displaying a “green hand” or were wearing FFA attire.


Later in the evening, our chapter hosted its fourth general FFA meeting of the year which was ran by the 2016-2017 Greenhand officer team. President Kaili Mills presided over the meeting; Vice President Madelyn Ruff called the roll of officers; Second Vice President Pearl Rollings guided us with diligence; Secretary Morgan Rolleri read the minutes and correspondence; Dominic Santella gave the Treasurers report on the chapters financial status; Emma Garcia snapped pictures as Reporter; Sentinel Lili Tudbury made sure the meeting room was comfortable and the meeting maintained an orderly atmosphere. The Bret Harte FFA was proud to announce that eighty six members were eligible and received their Greenhand degree award that night. Qualifications to receive the Greenhand Degree include being enrolled in an agriculture class, demonstrating knowledge of the FFA motto, FFA creed, FFA salute, FFA history, guidelines of the official dress uniform, and have an SAE (supervised agricultural experience) Project. To further celebrate and acknowledge these accomplishments, there was a quarter-a-dip potluck held in the multi-purpose room. The day was a great success and the future of Bret Harte FFA is looking very bright with the high number of new members we have gained this year. Putting in the hard work, sweat and determination these Greenhands will one day reach the golden charm of the State FFA degree. Congratulations!

Written by,
Emily Bolton, Bret Harte FFA Secretary
Maddie Walraven, Bret Harte FFA President