Mother Lode Office Of Catholic Charities Offers Volunteer Training

Sonora, CA…January 10, 2017 – Happy New Year! A new year brings hope and the desire to do something new, to make a difference, and to reach out to others. Consider volunteering with the Mother Lode Office of Catholic Charities! Take the opportunity to strengthen our community, encourage self-advocacy, and improve the lives of others. Make a difference in our community by connecting with those in need – touch their lives with your encouragement, support, strength, and talents.

The Mother Lode Office of Catholic Charities manages numerous programs for seniors, individuals, and families that rely on dedicated volunteers.

Your talents will be useful and appreciated in the following programs
CAFÉ – Connections & Awareness for Elders – caring volunteers offer support, encouragement, resources, and socialization for those that are isolated and lonely
Elder Abuse Prevention & Awareness Program – provide training for those that work with, or provide services to, elders.
Legal Advocacy for Seniors Program – kind volunteers welcome and assist clients with completing necessary intake forms
SPARROW – Senior Peer Alliance for Rural Research on Wellness – compassionate volunteers provide support, encouragement, and resources for those feeling lonely and sad or that have trouble solving problems
Assist in the office by answering phones and providing support in the day to day operations of our local office

Join us for the Volunteer Training to held in February.

Please call 532-7632 for more information on how you can utilize your talents and make a difference in our community or to RSVP for the Volunteer Training.

Pay it forward – make a difference! It all starts with just a little time!

All services provided by Catholic Charities are free of charge regardless of race, religion, or income.