Meet The Calaveras County Business Outreach Specialist

Murphys, CA…Meet the Calaveras County Economic Developer and Outreach Specialist, Michelle Stephens, at our next general membership meeting on Thursday, February 2nd, 2017 at 8:30am at the Murphys Historic Hotel. The following is a short blurb about the services Michelle will be offering in Calaveras County and how to schedule an appointment with her.

As the Business Outreach Specialist, Michelle performs one-on-one outreach to help the businesses in Calaveras County stay successful and grow to meet the needs of their customers.

This can include:
Identifying and using state and federal resources
Helping navigate county processes
Business Expansion
Marketing your Business
Information on hiring and working with employees
Access to Capital
Working with industry clusters to strengthen those businesses
And more!
There is no cost to working with Michelle and the business just needs to be located in Calaveras County to access this resource.