Bear Valley Set To Reopen Tomorrow For Monster MLK Weekend

Bear Valley, CA…From Bear Valley Mountain…”Most of the current staff (some nearly 30 years) cannot recall experiencing anything close to this unprecedented weather event, beginning last Sunday with rain, that has now delivered over 60 inches of snow in the past few days, high winds, extremely dangerous avalanche conditions; and it continues to snow at this time. As a result we WILL NOT OPEN ON THURSDAY JANUARY 12, 2017. We do believe that by late Thursday we’ll be looking at partly cloudy skies, and snow removal and management efforts, prep on the mountain will produce a readiness to deliver a safe reopening of lifts and terrain this Friday.

We have a deep respect for the force and volatility of Mother Nature – She is showing her power!! We thank our crews for their unwavering effort and desire to produce a safe a quality ski/ride product for all. We look forward to seeing you in Bear Valley!

Tonight in BV Village, Grizzly Bar & Grill open, with Creekside open Thursday night!

Thanks all for your continued patience as we get through this challenging weather/operational time.