Some Parts Of Arnold May Be Without Water On January 18 For Emergency Pipeline Repair!

San Andreas, CA…With the recent flooding of Big Trees Creek in White Pines that damaged Blagen Road and exposed a portion of Calaveras County Water District’s (CCWD) old water transmission pipeline that still serves the town of Arnold, CCWD has taken steps to help protect the pipeline from failure as the creek, and debris flowing in it, could cause it to break. After thoroughly evaluating all available options to further protect the community’s water supply, CCWD has determined it is necessary to move forward in taking this section of the old pipeline out of service by expediting connection to the recently constructed Reach 3A water transmission main. Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 18, 2017,


CCWD’s contractor for the Reach 3A project, T&S Construction, will perform this important work. Unfortunately, it may be necessary to interrupt water service to Arnold to complete this emergency project. Thus with this notic%_please be advised that the community of Arnold may temporarily lose water service during the hours of 10:00 am. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.

Water service will continue without interruption to the following: Meadowmont Shopping Center

Hazel Fischer School

Cal Fire Station

Ebbetts Pass Fire District Headquarters

White Pines subdivision

Thank you for your understanding. For further information, please contact CCWD’s Customer Service staff at 209-754-3543 or visit the District’s website at