Arnold Resident To Be Presented With National Wildfire Mitigation Award

Arnold, CA…Pete Padelford, long time retired resident of Blue Lake Springs Homeowners Association, in Arnold, CA has been recognized and awarded one of several National Wildfire Mitigation Awards, to be presented at the Wildland Urban-Interface Conference, on March 22, 2017, in Reno, NV. These wards were announced January 17 by the sponsors. The WMA is the highest national honor one can receive for outstanding work and significant program impact in wildfire preparedness and mitigation.

Joann and Pete Padelford

The award is sponsored by, the National Association of State Foresters (NASF), the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the USDA Forest Service.

This award recognizes “sustained wildfire mitigation actions that lead to community fire adaption and recognizes organizations and individuals who have implemented successful and sustainable wildfire mitigation projects on the ground in their communities.”

Pete was instrumental in expanding Fire Prevention efforts in his community, including Cal Fires Volunteers in Prevention (VIP), promoting others to volunteer and provide technical support to improved Fire Prevention, helping to build a data base for monitoring property owner information, tracking dead trees due to the Western Pine Beetle attacks on ponderosa pines in Calaveras County and building a shaded fuel break around and within the Blue Lake Springs Subdivision, funded through PG&E and California SRA grant funds.

Pete’s dedication to his Community is evident in his daily efforts, from fostering Fire Safe practices, to leadership, training and his hands-on efforts to reduce fuel load from Wildland Fires. Wife Joann is one of his biggest supporter.

The Butte Fire in 2015 was a wake up call to all rural homeowners of the potential hazard of Wildland Fire and the speed with which fire can race across the landscape if fuel loads are not reduced. Pete has been giving the latter much of his attention in the past few years, with many accomplishments.