An Ice Cream Thank You To The Murphys Business Community

Murphys, CA…March 1st to June 1st, 2017 In appreciation to the Murphys Business Community for it’s support, we would like to offer a free Momma ice cream to any of their employees who’s name is submitted to us by Feb. 28th. Bring a list to JoMa’s or email their names to A check list of names will be at the shop. Must be used by June 1st.

The good life is family, friends, a community like Murphys, and a place like JoMa’s, where all are welcome to take a moment to relax and enjoy a special time in the day. It is our goal to make our guests feel like family, and to serve them the most uniquely handcrafted and delicious ice cream they have ever tasted. JoMa is the name that Jo Ann’s grandchildren call her. She comes from a Portuguese and Swiss heritage, her grandparents having immigrated to America to start a dairy business. Memories of drawing a sweet strawberry through cream-topped ice-cold milk, are still fresh in JoMa’s mind: “The whole family would take turns cranking the handle of the White Mountain ice-cream maker. Even though I was the youngest, I always wanted to be the one that could turn it the longest.”