The Courage Of Love ~ A Mind Matters Blog

Murphys, CA…Of course we all think of love in February; Cupid, hearts, and chocolate are all around, but, I have been thinking about how love sometimes takes courage. As you know Mind Matters serves those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD/ADHD, and other Learning Disabilities. However, it is not just the client that we serve. It is the whole family and extended family who often need our support, guidance, and professional expertise. These are the people that I am thinking of when I say sometimes you need courage to love.

Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, sister, brother; these are the brave ones. These are the people who get up every morning ready to love whether or not the person they are loving recognizes that feeling. Maybe the child or partner doesn’t feel that emotion and/or know how to return the feeling. Maybe he/she does everything possible, intentionally or not, to make you not love her/him. Yet everyday Mom and others will get up and face the challenge with an open heart, a loving heart, and courage. Courage to face the immediate challenges of getting ready for school, work, or just the day. Courage to face others stares and lack of understanding. Courage to do what is best for each moment of the expected and unexpected. Courage to learn more skills and courage to come to Mind Matters, sometimes from as far away as the Bay Area, to engage with us in our comprehensive services and treatments. So, it is to our clients and their families that I, and all of us here at Mind Matters, send our love this February.

Please join me in love and support for the courageous ones. If you would like to make a donation to help with financial aid and scholarships for many of our clients, please click on the Donate button on our website – it is easy and you can even sign up to make a hassle-free monthly donation.

With love and gratitude, thank you.