Arnold SIR Branch 152 Luncheon Meeting ~ Tuesday, March 21st

Arnold, CA…ARNOLD SIR (Sons in Retirement), Branch 152, will hold its Monthly Luncheon Meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 11:00 am, at the Blue Lake Springs Homeowners Association, Snowflake Lodge, 2255 Blue Lake Springs Dr.

Dave Baugher, our Director of Attendance, will be our speaker on March 21. He will be sharing with us his experiences while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Dave began his journey at the Mexico border and will continue his trek northward toward the Canadian Border this year. Dave is hiking the trail in sections and will spread his hike over time.

We can look forward to hearing about his many days and weeks on the trail, his challenges and his successes, and viewing some of his wonderful photos taken along the way. Dave is hiking with a trail transmitter and we can all follow him along his trek via computer; Dave will explain more.

Dave received his B.S. degree in Engineering from Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, and worked in the Bay Area at multiple high technology startups including Resonex, MCM Laboratories, Eclipse Surgical Technologies, Atlantis Catheters Company, and Flowpoint Technologies.

In 2001, Dave, with his family, relocated to Arnold and began a new career with the Ebbetts Pass Fire District, ultimately becoming our Fire Chief in 2008, serving the communities of the Ebbetts Pass area until his retirement in 2014.

So… where do we find Dave these days when he is not on the PCT… He is out tramping backwoods trails looking for wild mushrooms, discovering new ways to hit golf balls into every lake on the Sequoia Woods Golf Course and finding the perfect rock to fit into the stone walls surrounding his home here in Arnold that he shares with his lovely wife Luann.

SIR (Sons in Retirement) is a Men’s only organization. We are not political, and not associated to any religious organization, we are not a service club, we have no paid employees and no physical assets; we meet entirely for the benefit of our members. Visitors are asked to contact the Membership Director about attending scheduled meetings, we welcome all retired gentlemen.

Lunch is $16.00. For further information regarding Arnold Branch 152 SIR membership, please call Dave Traub, Membership Director, at 795 – 5903. E-mail: