Arnold Lions Donate To Help Visually Impaired Children Of Calaveras County

Calaveras County, CA…On February 1st, the Arnold Lions presented a SMART Brailler to the Calaveras County Office of Education. Ms. Denise Ferrin, a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, is shown here accepting this $2,000 machine on behalf of the county.

The machine has a video screen that displays SimBraille and large print, combined with audio feedback, for a multi-sensory learning experience. Ms. Ferrin explained that the machine will be used to help visually impaired children learn to communicate using Braille. Just as important, a teacher that is not fluent with Braille, can monitor the work of the student.

Lions International is celebrating its Centennial in 2017. The foci of the activities during the Centennial year are: Vision, Youth, Environment, and Hunger. The motto of the Lions Clubs is “We Serve”. The Arnold Lions Club is very proud to be able to help meet the needs of the vision impaired children of the county