Temporary Bridge To Restore Public Access To White Pines Park, Moose Lodge & Beyond By May 1st!

White Pines, CA…Calaveras County Supervisor Michael Oliveira met with membwrs of the White Pines Park committee, Moose Lodge and community members to give an update on the county’s progress on getting public access restored on Blagen Road after winter storms damaged a culvert.

Supervisor Oliveria said the following…”I just received an update on the Blagen Road Bridge situation from Jeff Crovitz our Public Works Director for the County. The California office of emergency ServiCes in conjunction with the Federal Emergency management Agency has accepted the required documentation and has completed visual inspections processing claims for the repair and reconstruction of the bridge area. We are waiting for final approval to purchase and install the bridge hopefully with th approval in the next few days. With that, we hope to have Public Access available by May 1st. depending on the weather and construction. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.”

The volunteers at the White Pine Paek committee should be commended for keeping the pressure on the county to make sure that the Arnold area does not take a financial hit this summer during our peak visitor season.