Calaveras Supervisors Back in Action Today. Honoring Ryan Heryford Gets Things Rolling

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras Board of Supervisors are back in action today. They start the day off with a closed session. Then first item for the day is a Proclamation recognizing the achievements of Ryan Heryford. Uphold Administrative Citation 2017-006 and Fines imposed for Code Compliance Case #1663 regarding the property located at 8429 Sparrowk Road in Valley Springs. Authorize the Sheriff to Execute Intergovernmental Contract with Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, in the amount of $154,420 for Law Enforcement Services at New Melones Lake from June 1, 2017 through May 31,2018. Authorize the Board Chair to execute amendment for the provision of psychiatry services increasing the maximum amount payable from $700,000 to $785,000. Accept donations from the Friends of the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office totaling $16,064.51 & recognition of their continued support of the County Sheriff’s Office. Authorize the CAO to execute an agreement to develop and implement a new electronic permit tracking system in the amount not to exceed $494,610. Convene a Public Hearing to consider Calaveras Transit system changes to improve the farebox recovery ratio and approve a Resolution to: a) eliminate the Delta Gold Line transit service between Calaveras County and Stockton as of July 28, 2017 and support the weekly operation of the Saturday Hopper in FY 2017/18. Authorize the Board Chair to sign a letter of support for Congressman McClintock’s call for the USFS to expedite the reopening of forest service roads including New Spicer Reservoir and Board Crossing Roads. Approve the issuance of Series C Bonds for the Bret Harte Union High School District, in an amount not-to-exceed $750,000.

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