Pyongyang, North Korea….Now that North Korea has successfully tested a Hydrogen Bomb is it time to draw a meaningful “Red Line” around the entire country? With shooting a missile over Japan last week and with this week’s H-Bomb test the window for the international community to act short of military options may be closing. Since they have shown they have no interest in being part of a peaceful community of nations how about how about this as a framework for a UN Resolution?
The world draws a line at the international waters line off their coasts that if they shoot or launch missiles into international waters or over another country’s borders we take measures to shoot them down as soon as the cross the line.
Basically remove North Korea’s rights to even test missiles or conduct any military actions or tests in international waters.
Basically we tell them you have the right to exist within your borders but if you venture beyond this in any meaningful way you by your actions have forfeited the right to exist as a country in it’s current form. If they launch, shoot them down shortly after launch and if they persist they have chosen by their actions to give the UN mandate and the right to eliminate any offensive capabilities North Korea may have.
Tell them in no uncertain terms any action beyond their borders and into international territory will basically trigger “suicide by cop” of North Korea.
We may not be technically be capable of completely sealing their airspace that but that should be our goal to hermetically isolate them from the world and they become country non grata. Any missile or even military aircraft launched into international waters is deemed an act of war against the international community.