Seasons Are Changing At Mind Matters ~ By Trudy Lackey

Murphys, CA…Here we are again talking about change. The seasons are changing. Our schedules with the more relaxed days of summer are back to the tighter routines for school and the fall season. The changes of fall are, at least, somewhat predictable. Still, change affects each of us in different ways. Some welcome it and some struggle with it. However you deal with change, there is always a bit of the unknown to face.

Is your child just starting or returning to school? Is he/she in a new school? Are you starting a new job? Or maybe you haven’t made any changes in your life but as the weather changes and daylight shortens, we are forced to adapt. Change can be particularly hard for a child with ADD/ADHD. Here are few guidelines for making the fall change a little easier for child and family:

Rules should be simple and clear. Establish rituals and routines for homework, bedtime, and quiet time for your child and try to stick to them every day. You can lay out school clothes the night before and make sure his/her school backpack is all ready for the next day. By breaking tasks into manageable steps it can be less hectic and stressful the next morning.

If possible create a quiet place for your child to read, do homework, and just recoup from the chaos of the day.
Try to get outside and do some fun physical activity. Your child will burn off some of that extra energy in a healthy way!
Bedtime can be a difficult time for those with ADHD. Getting a good rest is crucial to feeling less anxious and more focused. A soothing ritual/routine for bedtime may help your child to make that transition at the end of the day.

Try to remain positive and encouraging. Positive reinforcement of good behavior usually encourages more of that type of behavior.

You can’t do it all. Mind Matters is here to help. We have a medical doctor and professional therapists to work with you and/or your child. We also have a variety of educational programs for improvement with learning disabilities.
To learn more about Mind Matters please visit our website: or call us at 209-278-2184.

As always, if you would like to support us in our work we accept tax-deductible donations on our website, by mail, or in person. Thank you!