The “Mokelumne Express” Towers Are In For Bear Valley’s New High Speed Six Chair Lift!

Bear Valley, CA…Bear Valley has given an update on progress on the new “Mokelumne Express” Lift…”What an incredible bluebird day for flying. Work began at 7am today with temps hovering around 19-22 degrees. Started with a safety & planning briefing then the crews headed out to their positions. The speed at which these multi-thousand pound structures are being flown and then received by crews on the ground is an impressive feat. The story today is the crew. From the pilots to the team on the ground receiving the towers and crossbars – the adrenaline is pumping on a day like today. So proud of our BV teams in collaboration with Alpine Cable and Construction (Lift Install contract team) to successfully maneuver in some very icy conditions and complete the placement of the towers. We will have some video coming soon. On we go!”