Calaveras Community Foundation (CCF) Receives Save Mart Donation

Angels Camp, CA…Calaveras Community Foundation (CCF) has received a generous $5000 donation from Save Mart Companies CARES Foundation. This donation benefits the Career and Technical Training (C&TT) Scholarship Fund. This marks the seventh year in a row that Save Mart CARES has supported this Scholarship program for local high school students. Store Manager, John Romine, states, “We are proud to continue to be part of giving back to the community that supports our store and its employees. The Calaveras Community Foundation provides a great service to the community by providing opportunities to students interested in technical and vocational career paths. Save Mart is proud to partner with them in providing well-trained and educated employees that will help the local community fill needs in those areas.”

(left to right) Chyrl Hillis, Publicity Chair, Calaveras Community Foundation and Angels Camp Store Manager, John Romine.

The C&TT scholarship fund, founded in 2011 and administered by CCF, supports the belief that high school graduates must have options in pursuing training/further education aside from the traditional four-year college. Many job opportunities exist in our region for youth seeking associate degrees and certificates that can lead to technical or vocational career paths. Since the inception of this fund, 54 local students have received monetary awards with total dollar amounts over $64,000.

Scholarships awarded in 2017 benefited six high school students from Bret Harte, Mountain Oaks and Calaveras High Schools. Each recipient received $1500. Anticipated fields of study for these students include: cosmetology, auto mechanics, animal science, medical, natural resources and social work.

Generous donations like this one from Save Mart help raise the consciousness of other local business partners in assisting the youth of our community. As these and other funds continue to grow, CCF will be able to award more and higher dollar scholarships to C&TT applicants.

CCF, a 501 C 3 non-profit organization, welcomes donations from like-minded businesses and individuals who see the challenge ahead of making scholarship funds available to students pursuing technical or training career paths.

To learn more about the C&TT scholarship fund and other funds that administered by CCF,
call 736-1845 or visit the CCF website