Americans Against Gun Violence Announces High School Essay Contest

Sacramento, CA….Americans Against Gun Violence is pleased to announce that we’re sponsoring an essay contest open to all U.S. high school students. The prompt for the contest is a statement made by the late Senator Thomas Dodd of Connecticut in a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate on June 11, 1968. He said: The time has now come that we must adopt stringent gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world.

Students can enter the contest by submitting an essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts about Senator Dodd’s statement. Full contest details and a link to the online essay submission form are posted on the Americans Against Gun Violence website.

We’ll be awarding a total of $15,000 to 12 contest winners. The deadline for students to enter the contest is midnight on Sunday, May 6.

We’ve been tremendously impressed by the activism of high school students across the country in the aftermath of the February 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. The student-inspired protest march in Washington DC on March 24, in which an estimated 800,000 people participated, was not only the largest protest against gun violence in our nation’s history, it was the largest protest in our nation’s capital on any issue, and it was replicated on a smaller scale in hundreds of other cities across our country and around the world.
We’re offering the essay contest as one way to help foster and reward ongoing activism and critical thinking among our youth in the area of gun violence prevention.