Prescribed Fire Near Mt. Havalia for Fuels Reduction on June 19th

Toulumne, CA….The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) is conducting a prescribed burning operation on The Mt. Havalia VMP which is in Tuolumne County adjacent to the City of Tuolumne. It will be visible from Tuolumne Rd, Providence Mine Rd, Laurel Ave and parts of Apple Colony Rd. The goal of the VMP will be to increase the effectiveness of the Mt. Havalia fuel break which extends through the project area. In addition to helping protect the City of Tuolumne, this fuel break, by helping to reduce the size and intensity of fires in the
area, will help protect multiple resources in several watersheds.

The prescribed fire burn will commence at 10 a.m., June 19 and will conclude the same day. Burning operations will be conducted from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Resources utilized to conduct the prescribed fire will consist of fire engines, fire crews and cooperating agencies.

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