Waverly Fire, 4.000 Acres, No Structures Reported Lost, Milton to Hwy 4 Evacuations Ordered, 10% Contained

Milton, CA…(Update as of 10:32pm…We would like to thank CalFire TCU’s Emily Kilgore for taking our call. Fire is still north of Hwy 4 and not affecting Hwy 4 traffic as of yet. Winds are down and making working the fire much easier for firefighters. She does not have any reports of of structures lost but with the pace of this fire there may have been some. Fire is at 4,000 acres and 10% Containment.) (10pm Update…#waverlyfire [update] The Fire is now 4000 acres and is is 10% Contained. A road closure is in place in MILTON RD. Evacuations in the communities of Milton, Salt Springs Valley and Rock Creek Rd.) ([update] Firefighters are aggressively battling the 3500 acre vegetation that is 10% Contained. A road closure is in place in MILTON RD. Evacuations in the communities of Milton, Salt Springs Valley and Rock Creek Rd.) The wind and dry grass driven Waverly Fire has exploded to 1,500 acres with 10% Containment. Evacuations are in effect for basically the Milton area all the way to Hwy 4. Milton Road is closed at this time as well. From CalFire TCU…”Firefighters are aggressively battling the 1500 acre vegetation that is 10% Contained. A road closure is in place in MILTON RD. Evacuations in the communities of Milton, Salt Springs Valley and Rock Creek Rd.” Details from earlier are in a separate story below..