State Water Resources Control Board Continues Meeting to Consider Updated Flow Objectives

Sacramento, CA…Recognizing the complexity and sensitivity of its work to update flow requirements for the Lower San Joaquin River and its tributaries—the Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced rivers – the State Water Resources Control Board announced it will continue its meeting until Nov. 7. After receiving extensive written comments and hearing many hours of testimony from a wide range of perspectives over the past two days, the Board formally continued the meeting to Nov. 7. Testimony was heard from more than 150 individuals and groups.

Continuing the meeting and deferring final action on this complex and critical decision will provide the State Water Board members with additional time to weigh and consider the information and comments.

The public outreach and comment period on the plan update has been one of the most extensive in State Water Board history. The Board closed the formal comment record today and will reconvene on Nov. 7 for final changes and formal action.

The State Water Board’s primary role and authority under state law is to balance competing beneficial uses of water including agriculture, municipal use, recreation, fish and wildlife and more.

The Board also recognizes that additional tools to improve ecological conditions can be brought to bear through voluntary agreements. In a recent letter, Chair Felicia Marcus wrote:

“Throughout the last two years, board members and staff have repeatedly emphasized that voluntary settlement agreements can provide a faster, more durable solution to reasonably protect beneficial uses in the Lower San Joaquin River and its tributaries… Voluntary settlement agreements present the opportunity to make the non-flow elements more concrete and reduce the potential water supply impact.”

The Board’s proposal provides a mechanism for various types of agreements to be recognized after adoption of the formal standards.