Jessica Morse on Tom McClintock Rejecting Tahoe Debate

Roseville, CA…Congressman Tom McClintock officially pulled out of a debate he committed to with Jessica Morse, his Democratic challenger in the 4th Congressional District race. The event was to be held in Lake Tahoe and hosted by the Sierra Business Council and North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, and would’ve been one of only two debates McClintock has agreed to; a non-televised debate in Mariposa County is scheduled for later this month. In response, Morse released the following statement: “Clearly Tom McClintock is not the champion of small business that he claims since he refuses to participate in a debate hosted by the Sierra Business Council and North Lake Tahoe Resort Association.

“Tom McClintock’s refusal to take part in this debate does a great disservice to the community that he purports to represent. Our campaign invited the Congressman to participate in at least four debates in communities across the district. and in the past few months alone, he has avoided numerous face-to-face meetings with constituents and attempted to call a speaking engagement with disgraced White House spokesman Sean Spicer a debate – all to dodge answering tough questions about his own record. This is not the democratic tradition of dialogue and transparency that our community deserves.

“As a fifth-generation Northern Californian who is running for Congress to be the advocate and partner our district greatly needs, I welcome the opportunity to share my vision with voters. They deserve to see both of their candidates for Congress side by side to discuss their plans to protect pre-existing coverage in healthcare plans, bring good-paying jobs to the region, and stand up to special interests in Washington. It’s not about partisan ideology – it’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting to work for the people of this community.”

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About Jessica Morse
A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Jessica Morse is a daughter of the foothills. A devoted public servant, Morse spent a decade serving with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, including over a year in Baghdad at the height of the Iraq War. She is running for office to bring public service back to politics to protect our land, healthcare, and local economy.

About the 4th District
California’s 4th District stretches from the eastern Sacramento suburbs to the Sierra foothills, including Lake Tahoe and Yosemite National Park. Incumbent Republican Tom McClintock won his first election by less than a point, and the GOP vote for President shrunk to 54% in 2016, more competitive than many of the areas won by Democrats in recent special elections such as those in Alabama and Pennsylvania.