Feeney Park Still Needs Gold Rush Street Faire Volunteers

Murphys, CA…Feeney Park needs volunteers this weekend, Saturday October 6th, 2018, to help with the street fair in Murphys. The shifts are two hours each with locations on the ends of the road closure on Main Street, Murphys. It’s easy- basically making sure no one leaves the event with open alcohol containers.  The Gold Rush Street Faire is one of two annual fundraising events that raise money to keep the community park open.

If you’d like to help support soccer, baseball, the skate park, and the disc golf course please sign-up and/or share the link below to anyone you think who might be interested in donating a couple of hours.

Thanks for your help!
Here is a link to the sign-up sheet (or you are welcome to call 209-728-7782):