Murphys, CA…EPYSL’s fall recreational and competitive programs are the central programs of the League, introducing and expanding the game of soccer to at least 450 players each season and feeding the winter, spring and summer programs with avid players seeking to play year round.
What does my child need to play soccer?
Answer: Shin guards are mandatory for all play, including practice and games. Other than that we recommend that each player has a pair of cleats, a ball, and a water bottle. Game uniforms are supplied by EPYSL and covered by your registration fee.
When and where are the soccer games played?
Answer: Once the season begins, soccers games are scheduled every Saturday, except Labor Day weekend. All games are played at Feeney Park .
How old should my child be before we begin playing soccer?
Answer: To play in the under-6 division in the upcoming season, your child must be 4 years old on or before July 31.
What is the registration fee used for?
Answer: Funds collected from the registration fees are used exclusively to support youth soccer, including insurance, uniforms, Feeney Park fees, referees wages, CYSA dues, etc. All EPYSL Board members and coaches are parent volunteers.
When does the season begin?
Answer: Typically practices begin in August and games when school resumes. Check the player calendar on the player registration page for the season schedule. We have never played soccer.
How do we begin?
Answer: The best way to begin is to register with EPYSL. EPYSL is a recreational youth soccer league that is open to all childen between the ages of 4 and 16, regardless of experience or ability. Most of the children in the under-6 division and many of the children entering the under-8 league have never played soccer before. New players are welcome at any age.