Ebbetts Pass Fire District Needs Your Help Deciding Our Future

Arnold, CA…Ebbetts Pass Fire District Needs Your Help Deciding Their Future. December 11th at 6pm, Independence Hall in White Pines. EPFD is funded, in part, by two special taxes that enable us to provide top notch FIRE and EMS services. The first special tax was voted on and passed in 1998. This provided additional staffing as a paramedic within the District 24/7/365. The second was voter approved in 2004. Which funded extra staffing and one full-time, paramedic staffed ambulances and a second full-time staffed fire station.

EPFD Ambulance transport is available to residents, at no of out-of-pocket charge, to this day. Our increased personnel has allowed us to achieve the highly sought after designation of ISO CLASS 2 fire department. This is only achieved by the top 2% of all fire departments nation wide!

The Problem: The two taxes were flat fees with no increases. Each was designed to fund its program for a period of 10 years. The District, through several cost saving measures, has been able to stretch these funds to last 15 and 20 years. The special tax budget for this year was 400k short with no capital outlay!

Questions to ask yourself: Do you know that living within an ISO Class 2 rated Fire District can save you hundreds of dollars on homeowners insurance as well as making more insurance carriers available?

Do you take comfort in knowing that when you call 911, Paramedics are just minutes away from you and your loved ones?

Do you know that if one our residents or their family member needs an ambulance transport to the hospital, we provide it with no out-of-pocket expense?

Do you take pride and security in having your local Fire District at its current level?

Do you want to keep your local emergency services at or above the current level?

Please join us and our Board of Directors at our Town Hall/Public Hearing as we work together to reach a solution!