CCWD Board Approves Customer Assistance Program

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Directors approved a Customer Assistance Program on Wednesday December 5. The program is limited to 200 water customers and 200 sewer customers, and applications for the program will not be available or accepted by CCWD until Wednesday January 2, 2019. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The program is designed to provide financial credits to customers whose incomes are at or below 200% of the federal poverty guideline (see here). The primary verification of income is proof of participation in PG&E’s CARE Program. Beginning January 2, 2019, applicants will need to turn in a completed, signed application, along with a recent PG&E bill in their name showing CARE Program participation. Additionally, if the applicant is a tenant, they will need provide CCWD with a copy of their current rental agreement with their landlord. If that agreement is not available, the legal deeded owner of the property must sign a CAP authorization form (available January 2, 2019).

Once applicants are approved by CCWD, they will receive the following credits:

  • Water only customers: $20 per bimonthly billing period
  • Sewer only customers: $30 per bimonthly billing period
  • Water & sewer customers: $50 per bimonthly billing period


In order to stay on the program, participants will be required to reapply for the program annually starting in 2020.

More information about this program will be posted in the weeks to come. Those with questions or concerns may contact CCWD Customer Service at or (209) 754-3543.