The January Amador Makers Meeting is January 13th at 1pm.

Jackson, CA…Good day Amador Makers! Do any of you herbalist/chemist/chief types working on a good restorative tonic, something for someone who has partied too much during the holidays and is having trouble getting back to work? Asking for a friend.

This month’s Amador Makers meeting will be Sunday afternoon, January 13th at Made in Amador/O’Neal’s Antiques, 84 Main Street. 1 pm meeting for Board Members and those who wish to work on club building and/or the Makerspace proposal. 2 pm for General Membership and fun stuffs. Three things on the agenda: T-Shirt logo fundraiser! We are putting Amador Maker Logos on T-shirts. Bring a shirt and a $5 donation and we will logo it! Bring a $15 donation and we will get you a shirt with a logo on it. A chance to represent and support the group! 2. Group project sign-ups. Time to make stuff! We are going to be organizing some group art and tech projects, so bring some ideas. My pitch: Automatic Bartending. Machine. 3. Tech toys. Bring your drones, robots and other fun tech. What did you get for Christmas? Weather permitting we may relocate to Mini Provost Park for more room.

This month’s featured video: A tour of the Technocopia Makerspace in Worcester, MA.

As always, spread the word to any and all who might be interested. Keep making!