MTUSD Board Holding Study Session on January 23rd

Angels Camp, CA…Here is the Mark Twain Union Elementary School District’s Agenda for the Study Session on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 in the District Boardroom at 981 Tuolumne Ave, Angels Camp.  The public is encouraged to attend as the Board will be reviewing the LCAP and Budget.  To view the full board packet click the link below.  Board Packet

Posted: January 17, 2019
School Sites, Post Offices,, Calaveras Enterprise
Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
January 23, 2019
Open Session 5:00 P.M.
Location: District Board Room 981 Tuolumne Ave. CA 95222
Requests for any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in the public meeting may
be made by contacting the District Office at (209)736-1855 at least two days prior to the scheduled meeting. Agendas and other writings may also be
requested in alternative formats, as outlined in Section 12132 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
1. Opening of Open Study Session Meeting by Board President
1.1 Establishment of Quorum
2. Public Comment
At this time, any person may address the Board on any consent action item or any item not listed on the agenda. Pursuant
to the Brown Act, during this period cannot consider issues or take action on any item not listed. Speakers are asked to
state their name, address and affiliation, and to limit their comments to three minutes, the Board.
3. Discussion Items
3.1 Review of First Interim Budget Report
3.2 Review of 2018-2019 LCAP Goals and Actions
3.3 Discuss/Establish Budget Funded Priorities for 2019-2020
4. Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
4.1 February 7, 2019 (first Thursday) with review and action on the School Accountability Report
Cards for both sites.
5. Adjournment