Twain Harte Pharmacy Offers Consumer Drug Take Back Program

Twain Harte, CA…Twain Harte Pharmacy’s consumer Drug Take-Back Program offers an in-store solution that provides everyone in our community a quick and easy way to dispose of surplus/expired medications – any time they visit Twain Harte Pharmacy during pharmacy hours – just by dropping them in the secured receptacle. * Secure, ADA and DEA compliant disposal. * Environmental protection from unwanted drug residue in water tables. * Receptacle is made in the U.S.A. * Protects patients private health information.

One Response to "Twain Harte Pharmacy Offers Consumer Drug Take Back Program"

  1. Steven R. Smith   March 8, 2019 12:28 pm - at 12:28 pm

    Too bad they couldn’t take back unwanted marijuana or could they? This way it won’t get in the wrong hands!