Backcountry Film Festival Bear Valley

Bear Valley, CA…In partnership with Nickolay Dodov Foundation Avalanche Education and Backcountry Safety we are excited to present the Backcountry Film Festival this year, March 23rd! Calling all “go big or go home” winter enthusiasts! Get ready to get goosebumps while you “Ooh!” and “Ahh!” at the impact and importance of our winter wildlands through this collection of short films. Film line-up:

“The Backcountry Film Festival is a celebration of the human-powered experience and a gathering place for the backcountry snowsports community. Funds raised at each screening stay in the local community to support human-powered recreation and conservation efforts, winter education, and avalanche/safety programs and to raise awareness of winter management issues.”

All donations at our Backcountry Film event will be going towards the local foundation and friends: Nickolay Dodov Foundation Avalanche Education and Backcountry Safety

Date: March 23rd, 2019
Doors open: 4:30 PM
Film Starts: 5:00 PM
Located in the Cathedral Lounge
Free entry
$15 donation suggested and appreciated!

Special Guest appearance:
The Advocacy Director for Winter Wildlands Alliance, David Page!
Winter Wildlands Alliance
Backcountry Film Festival