More Drugs Seized After Traffic Stop.

Sonora, CA…From the Tuolumne Sheriff’s Office…”Yesterday morning, Sergeant Riley stopped a gray Pontiac sedan on Stockton Street in Sonora for tinted front windows and not having a front license plate. The driver 48-year-old Katie Heinze of Modesto, seemed to be very nervous. She was out of breath and her hands were very shaky. When asked if there was anything illegal in her vehicle, she told the Sergeant she had marijuana and a little bit of methamphetamine. During a search of her purse, over 17 grams of methamphetamine, drug packaging and drug paraphernalia were found.

Heinze was arrested and booked into the Tuolumne County Jail for possession and transportation of methamphetamine for sale.

We were thankful to have kept these drugs from being distributed in our community.”