Volunteer Appreciation Month at Mark Twain Medical Center

San Andreas, CA…The month of April is dedicated to honoring all the volunteers in a community and encouraging volunteerism overall. Mark Twain Medical Center Foundation honored the Mark Twain Hospital volunteers during an appreciation lunch on April 9th. With the theme “Volunteers Bowl Us Over” the event highlighted their many hours spent spreading kindness throughout the hospital and family medical centers. This year the hospital volunteers were recognized for a combined 82,100 hours of volunteering.

Pictured Back Row: Pete Rodriguiz, Doug Archer, Martha Myrick, Kim Wilson, Diana Bruckner, Diana Rodrigues, Donna Schmidt, Sue Armbruster, Barbara Galli, Sandra Todd, Claudine Roberts, Joanne Edelmaier, Julie Eckardt-Cantrall, Pictured Front Row: Florence Alberts, Pat Wilson, Lu Guenther, Judith Bushnell, Jane Petrich. Click Image Above for Full Sized Photo

Originally the Hospital Auxiliary, today’s volunteer program is comprised of 23 active individuals who can be found at the information desk, assisting in medical records, working in the surgery and emergency departments and visiting patients and families across the hospital and cancer center. Each Tuesday, many volunteers gather at Workshop where they focus on crafting items for their bi-annual bazar.

Recognized this year for volunteer hours milestones are:

Florence Albert 7300 hrs

Deanna Brown 9200 hrs

Diana Bruckner 6800 hrs

Judith Bushnell 800 hrs

Joanne Edelmaier 9100 hrs

Barbara Galli 5400 hrs

Donna Hodge 1400 hrs

Martha Myrick 2400 hrs

Jane Petrich 2500 hrs

Claudine Roberts 1600 hrs

Diana Rodrigues 3200 hrs

Shirley Shelley 6200 hrs

Donna Schmidt 3200 hrs

Sandra Todd 7500 hrs

Miriam Truemper 13,200 hrs

Kim Wilson 1500 hrs

Pat Wilson 800 hrs

The volunteers host craft bazars, bake sales, and receive a portion of revenue from purse, shoe and book sales held periodically at the hospital. These funds, and direct donations, support the volunteer’s Scholarship Program for area high schools and children of MTMC employees. To donate to the volunteer’s fund, or another area of the hospital, donors can visit www.supportmarktwain.org or mail gifts to Mark Twain Medical Center Foundation, 768 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas CA 95249. For more information about volunteering or supporting the Foundation please call Julie Eckardt-Cantrall at 209-754-2624 or via email at Julie.eckardt@dignityhealth.org

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