Stanislaus National Forest Extends Closure Order for Some Storm Damaged Roads

Sonora, CA…The Closure identifies 10 roads and one day use area and is extended to Dec. 31, 2020. Stanislaus National Forest Supervisor Jason Kuiken signed forest order STF-16-2019-08, amending the forest areas closed due to the 2016-2017 winter storms. The original forest order, STF-16-2017-03 was signed April 24, 2017 and expired in December 2018. The new closure order is scheduled to expire Dec. 31, 2020.

“In January and February 20l7 areas of the Stanislaus National Forest received heavy rain, snow and winds that resulted in significant road damage and fallen trees across the forest,” Kuiken said. “While the damage to many roads and areas has been repaired, one area and several roads have not yet been fixed. I anticipate these dangerous conditions will exist through December 31, 2020, until crews successfully mitigate the risks, or until they are otherwise repaired and deemed safe for travel.”

The forest order and accompanying maps can be found at

Many of the closed roads suffered extensive damage, including complete washouts and roadbed failures, said Tim Hughes, Stanislaus National Forest engineer. “For example, due to the complexity of the failure on the Beardsley Day Use Road, it qualified under the Federal Highway Administration’s Emergency Relief for Federal Roads program.”

The Forest Service contracted with a civil engineering firm to perform a site survey and geotechnical investigation to determine the magnitude of the failure and evaluate proposed repair strategies.

“It will take time, but it is our plan to bring all these roads back into service,” Hughes said.

The Beardsley Day Use Area remains closed due to the road’s condition. Other roads that remain closed are:

Forest Road No. 5N95, from its intersection with FR 5N02, continuing north to its intersection with FR 5N29.
FR 4N29, from its intersection with FR 5N02 then continuing northeast to its termination at Beardsley Lake Day Use Area.
FR 5N09X, from its intersection with FR 5N95, then continuing north to its termination at Donnell Dam.
FR 4N80Y (Candy Rock Road) from the gate approximately 3.5 miles from Highway 4, then continuing to its terminus.
FR lNlO (Lumsden Road), from its intersection with FR lN0l continuing south to its intersection with the South Fork (Tuolumne River) Campground.
FR 2S30 (Crocker Ridge), from its intersection with the Hardin Flat Road continuing south to its termination point at the intersection of FR 2SO1 (Five Corners).
FR 2S64, from its intersection with FR 1S12 continuing south to its termination point at FR IS13.
FR 2S02 (Bull Creek) from its intersection with FR 2S74 continuing north to its termination point at FR 2SO1 (Five Corners).
FR 1S14, from Deer Lick Creek continuing north to FR 2S62.
FR 1S13 (Packard Canyon), from its intersection with FR 2S25 continuing east to its termination point at FR 1S12.
A series of heavy storms during the 2016-2017 winter led to damage ranging from mud, rocks and debris slides, to roadbed failure on some roads. Visitors are encouraged to contact local Ranger District office for current information on roads and conditions before traveling on the Forest.

Stanislaus NF Supervisor’s Office: 209-532-3671

Calaveras Ranger District: 209-795-1381

Groveland Ranger District 209-962-7825

Summit Ranger District at 209-965-3434

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