Sheriff DiBasilio Enhancing Inmate Worker Program

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Jail Inmate Work Program continues to expand in functionality and scope. Beginning in May of this year, Sheriff Rick DiBasilio expanded the Inmate Worker Program by implementing the county’s first-ever female inmate work crew. Just as with the male inmate work crew, the females, under direct supervision of a female correctional officer, are allowed to perform necessary fire prevention, debris removal, and landscape services outside of the jail in exchange for time-served credits.

Our goal is for the inmate laborers to improve not only the conditions of the county government center complex, county cemeteries, schools, and youth sports locations; but also to benefit the inmate participants who meet the stringent qualifications to gain skills that will help them to be productive citizens once they are released. Inmate work crew participants experience teamwork, following instructions, handling power equipment, forestry and landscaping skills, and continue to develop their work ethic while incarcerated.

The county jail inmate work crews log approximately 40 combined hours of fire prevention, debris removal, and landscape services per week. Over the past 11 months, the male inmate work crew has logged approximately 328 hours of work in Calaveras County.

Future expansion of the program is planned to allow for other public agencies and local businesses to utilize these services and acquire labor, which would not be otherwise available. The Sheriff also currently has staff researching and developing procedures that will enable inmates assigned to landscape work crews to receive a certificate in landscaping, which will enhance their employment opportunities after release.

In an effort to preserve inmate and officer safety, if you happen to see the inmate work crew DO NOT interfere with or speak to the inmate workers or the correctional offic ers. If you have questions or concerns please contact 209-754-6500.