The 39th Annual Arnold “Independence Day Parade” is July 6th! Attend, Enter or Become a Sponsor!

Arnold, CA…The Greater Arnold Business Association (GABA) is sponsoring the 39th Annual “Independence Day Parade” in Arnold on Saturday, July 6th, 2019. This parade is one of the biggest draws of spectators, local and secondary home residents and tourists to our town, reaching 8 to 10,000 visitors for the day. We celebrate our independence day in conjunction with other civic community groups such as: Arnold Lions, Arnold Rotary, and the Ebbetts Pass Firefighters Association.

This year we find it necessary to step outside of our current role as the sole monetary supporter of this event and seek additional sponsorship to support: our efforts. The increase in Cal Trans Fees, insurance and the basis cost of providing this event have increased substantially. As a non-profit organization, it is difficult to increase revenue for marketing and still continue to provide this annual event.

There are two $500 Title Sponsorship’s Available & 4 $250 Sponsorship’s available. Sponsors will receive poster recognition, radio identification, press release mentions & acknowledgements in our advertising and endorsements.

This is new territory for GABA, but we hope you will be able to extend support to our efforts to continue this wonderful day of recognition and patriotic appreciation. If you have any questions, or comments, please contact me at 209/768-6396 during the day and 209/795-5600 in the evenings.

Linda Baker
Parade Chairperson

P.S..There are also several GABA Board Positions available. If you would like to join GABA in promoting the business community from Forest Meadows to Lake Alpine Join Us Today!

Event occurs on 07/06/2019 from 10:00 AM to .