Calaveras Water District Accepts PG&E’s $3 Million Butte Fire Settlement

San Andreas, CA…Today, the Calaveras County Water District announced that it and PG&E have accepted a mediator’s proposal of $3 million to resolve the District’s claims, resulting from the 2015 Butte Fire. The Mediator’s proposal is exclusive of and does not affect the claims of any residents, individuals, or businesses.

The payment is to be incorporated in, and subject to confirmation by the Bankruptcy Court, a plan of reorganization to be filed by PG&E in its pending Chapter 11 case. The settlement is part of a total settlement of $1 billion to be paid to local government entities pursuant to the confirmed plan of reorganization.

Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service (JAMS) Mediator Judge Jay Gandhi (Ret.) presided over several days of in-person mediation sessions held in San Francisco, California. Participants in the mediation included 14 public entities with various claims from the 2015 Butte Fire, the 2017 North Bay Fires, and the 2018 Camp Fire. Judge Gandhi’s global proposals included a total payment of $1 billion to be made pursuant to PG&E’s confirmed plan of reorganization. PG&E and all 14 public entities accepted the proposals.

Calaveras County Water District is represented by the District’s attorney Matthew Weber of Downey Brand, and outside counsel Scott Summy, John Fiske, and Torri Sherlin of Baron & Budd.