Murphys Fire Protection District Looking for Stolen Uniform

Murphys, CA…A really sad update from the Murphys Fire Protection District. During the concert at Ironstone on Saturday Evening a patient went done and emergency personal performed extended CPR on the patient awaiting an ambulance. From MPFD that was originally posted on their Facebook page…”**Stolen Uniform *** While tending to a patient at the Ironstone concert last night, one of our firefighters had his dress uniform, including his badge stolen by a concert goer. Due to the nature of the emergency, he had removed the button up shirt to keep from overheating. Why would someone steal the uniform of someone working their hardest to save a life?? I’m beside myself. If anyone saw anything or might know of it’s whereabouts, we would really appreciate it’s return.** We exhausted all other options, including checking trash cans and other possibilities with the assistance of the Event staff before making the Sheriff’s report or posting here.**” If anyone has any information please call MFPD at (209) 728-3864