CCWD Pipeline Replacement Project Beginning on State Route 4

Calaveras, CA..The Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) will begin construction of the Reach 1 Pipeline Replacement Project Monday July 8, 2019. The pipeline runs between Avery and Forest Meadows, and the District’s contractor plans on closing one lane for much of the project, which will create one-way traffic control and 10-to-15 minute delays.

This project will continue through this fall, stop during winter, and resume spring 2020 and continue through fall 2020 when completion is expected. CCWD has built a Web page specifically to keep the public updated on this project, and all new information will be posted there. The URL is Please visit that Web page for detailed project information.

Motorists should expect up to 15-minute delays. Alternate routes should be taken whenever possible. This work is scheduled to begin as listed, but is subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment, and/or materials and construction related issues.