CCWD Pipeline Construction Update: July 29 – August 2.  One-Way Traffic Control Starts at 6 a.m. & Ends no Later than 6 p.m. (3 p.m. on Fridays)

Murphys, CA…CCWD Pipeline Construction Update: July 29 – August 2.  One-way traffic control starts at 6 a.m. and ends no later than 6 p.m. (3 p.m. on Fridays). Crews will continue working on trenching and installing new sections of pipeline starting down the hill west of Sunset Ridge Court. This work will require one-way traffic control, but delays are generally expected to be fewer than 10 minutes. Crews are continuing to use pull-outs along Highway 4 as staging areas, where they are staging heavy equipment and storing pipes that will be installed as the project moves forward.

CCWD is replacing about 5 miles of water transmission pipeline between Avery and Forest Meadows. Construction began on July 8, 2019, and will continue through fall 2019. The project will stop this winter during poor weather and resume in spring 2020 with completion is expected by fall 2020. The project is necessary to replace aging infrastructure that is failing and to increase fire flows and hydrants along Highway 4. The project will cost $7.5 million and the funds are coming from the District’s Water Capital Renovation and Replacement Fund.

Click here to view the full three-week construction schedule. Please note this schedule is subject to change at any time.