The 24th Annual Sierra Nevada Logging Museum Jamboree is August 31st!

Arnold, CA…The 24th annual Logging Jamboree is August 31st 9:00 to 5:00 at 2148 Dunbar Rd. White Pines. Benefit Sierra Nevada Logging Museum. Prizes, BBQ by Moose, Silent Auction, Kids Games. This wonderful annual Labor Day Weekend jamboree has something for adults and children. The Arnold Rim Trail Association will once again have a booth at the Jamboree, as will our friends from the Calaveras District of the Forest Service. Located in White Pines. Delicious food and beer, wine and soft drinks will be available. Raffle with cool prizes.

Cost to compete (Previous year costs. Please contact the Sierra Nevada Logging Museum to confirm): Amateurs: no cost. Professional: $10. Cost to observe: $8 per person, kids are FREE, Couples $15. Please call 209-768-3449 for more information.

Please contact the Sierra Nevada Logging Museum to confirm costs: Amateurs: no cost. Professional: $10. Cost to observe: $8 per person, kids are FREE, Couples $15

What the Museum Does
The Sierra Nevada Logging Museum —

• Conveys the history of the logging and lumbering industry as it evolved in the Sierra Nevada region since the mid 1800s before the discovery of gold to the present day.

• Educates visitors about the economic, social, cultural and environmental effects of this industry on the development of communities in the Sierra Nevada.

• Acts as a resource center for education and historical research.

• Describes current trends in the Sierra Nevada logging and lumber industry, and the social and economic influences that continue to shape it.

• Keeps the history of the logging industry in the Sierra Nevada region alive so that its historical relevance is not lost.