Murphys, CA…The 42nd Annual Mountain Heirloom Quilt Faire is going on now at Ironstone Vineyards. It started yesterday and continues on Saturday October 12, 2019 , 10am – 4pm and Sunday October 13, 2019 , 10am – 4pm. Large Entry Showroom** Featuring Quilts, Wall Hangings, Dolls, Needle/Wearable Arts, Member Challenge Exhibit. Vendor Booths, Country Store, Boutique & Blade Sharpening Services. The Scholarship Quilt Drawing Sunday, 3:30 pm.
Pattern by Lynn Wilder of Sew’n Wild Oaks
Pieced by The Independence Hall Quilters
Quilted by Debra Coleman
Admission $10.00 at the door
Good for all 3 days!
15 years & under are free
ALL proceeds from ticket sales are used for awarding scholarships to local graduating high school seniors.
For information on how to apply for a scholarship, contact:
Courtney Brookshear,
(209) 736-8315
Scholarship Coordinator at Bret Harte High School.
The mission of this Association shall be to encourage the art PrettyRoomof quilting and to promote fine and useful quilting in an atmosphere of friendliness and sharing among people; to promote public interest in America’s oldest folk art form; to encourage quilt making and collection; to contribute to the growth and preservation of quilting techniques through education and instruction; to maintain a current and active quilt library; to present qualified speakers and demonstrations; to promote seminars and other quilt-related events; to use funds earned by this group for the benefit of its members in achieving the above stated purposes; to contribute up to 5% of the previous year’s profits from the annual Quilt Faire to any philanthropic or scholarship programs with which the membership is in agreement.
Education of IHQ members is a major element of our charter and mission. Trunk shows and workshops will provide new ideas and techniques. Member-taught classes will continue to be diverse and exciting. Particular emphasis will be given to the many requests for basic quilting classes. We will continue to present the design challenge, a special display at our annual Quilt Faire. Quilt Camp continues to be offered, providing another opportunity to learn new quilting techniques and nurture new and continuing relationships.
Event occurs on 10/11/2019 from All Day to .