Cannabis Logic, Cannabis Black Market & Reasonable Rules ~ Al Segalla

Copperopolis, CA…I attended the recent Board of Supervisor meetings concerning commercial cannabis regulation. It was a hate fest with little good will and logic. Some thoughts: The problems with criminal activity relate to the black market grows, not the permitted ones. This was confirmed by the Sheriff and Ag Commissioner.

The black market is created by government ban just like alcohol prohibition with a similar increase in crime. The black market can also be expanded by over regulation and taxation. Some want regulation to be very extensive. This would have the same effect as a ban. More crime. We do not need more crime. That is why prohibition was repealed.

The key to a better tomorrow, in my opinion, is reasonable rules.

The state already regulates commercial cannabis, but does require a permit from local government. The county already has land use regulations regarding locations, set backs etc. Also, there are existing rules regarding pollution etc. The permit should be easy to obtain at reasonable cost. That is the best way to shrink the black market and crime.

The present proposal has been vetted by government departments involved. Good administration.

Why not get feedback from the industry?

After all, it is the permitted cannabis farmer who will have to abide by the new rules. Make sense?