The Games Afoot at Murphys Creek Theatre Through December 15th

Murphys, CA…Murder? …Maybe. Mayhem? …A distinct possibility. Hilarity? Definitely! Take a suspense thriller worthy of Sherlock Holmes, wrap it in a stylish screwball comedy, set it at Christmastime and you get the holiday whodunnit “The Game’s Afoot”. William Gillette, a Broadway superstar famous the world over for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, has invited fellow cast members to his opulent home for a holiday dinner party. But when one of the guests winds up dead, Gillette finds himself at the center of a mystery that might have stumped Holmes himself and now he must summon every ounce of Sherlock to solve the mystery.

Just for the record…There really was a William Gillette. He really did become immensely wealthy by writing and performing in a play about Sherlock Holmes. He really created the image of the great detective that we hold dear today. But that’s where any semblance of reality ends.

It’s Holmes for the Holidays this Christmas season! Who did it? Who will be next?

See “The Game’s Afoot” and find out. And have yourself a hearty holiday laugh too

Sharron Perras: Martha Gillette
Don Bilotti: William Gillette/Sherlock Holmes
Charlie Cites: Aggie Wheeler/Alice
Sean M. Lewis: Simon Bright/Count Zerlinsky
Kirk Summers: Felix Geisel/Moriarty
Kebra Stapp: Madge Geisel/Marian
Maryann Curmi: Daria Chase
Sally McClellan: Inspector Goring

Directed by: Maryann Curmi

Thurs-Sat at 7pm & Sunday at 2pm

Winner! 2012 Mystery Writers of America Edgar Allen Poe Award, Best Play

“An inspired whodunit […] a snappy, clever drawing-room mystery. There are twists in playwright Ken Ludwig’s The Game’s Afoot that cause the audience to gasp.” – The Cleveland Plain Dealer

“The Game’s Afoot is Murderously Funny!” – Broadway World Cleveland

“The play evolves like a mystery thriller, as one tantalizing clue leads to another […] In 1936, at the height of the Great Depression, people flocked to the theater for a few hours of escapism from hard times. Today, in our current recession, here is an antidote and the ideal holiday present – the gift of laughter.” – Cleveland Jewish News

“Ludwig demonstrates the theatrical equivalent of perfect pitch, both in this new work and in his past efforts.” – Cleveland Scene

“From the intriguing opening mini play within a play to the surprise last scene a split second before final curtain, The Game’s Afoot gives you everything you love about great live theatre. Billed as a comedy thriller you will find yourself swept along for a wild and funny ride.” – Cleveland Examiner

“A hilarious, quirky and thrilling alternative to your standard holiday entertainment. The Game’s Afoot is the perfect gift for the holidays..a fantastically fun night out at the theatre. It’s something we can be proud of as a city” –

“The Game’s Afoot will be performed by professional and community theaters across the country. Certainly this production is Broadway quality.” –

This event repeats weekly every Thursday Friday Saturday until 12/15/2019